Monday, February 6, 2012

Math and Technology

     I just finished reading chapter one for SEDU 183 and realized that math is one of the hardest subjects  to incorporate technology into. All the changes the book talked about, especially the point of eliminating paper as a physical medium in light of new technology, pose a challenge to teachers. This challenge is amplified for math teachers. Not only is math best done by hand with pencil and paper, it's also uniquely difficult to incorporate new technology into. Powerpoint and smartboards are about as advanced in technology as most math classes can reasonably go. I like the concept of change and starting anew with technology, but I don't think it will help my classroom as much as the book encourages.
     This technology, however, has its place outside of the classroom through communication. Students can constantly communicate with each  other and the teacher. It helps the students learn by peer teaching and by turning learning from "generic to personal." PLNs are an excellent way to share and guide ideas, motivations, homework, study groups, and infinite more uses. These same networks can keep parents actively involved in their kids' education and give the students a more personal sense of learning. 
     Overall, I feel that change is needed and technology is definitely the resource that education needs to focus in. I also feel, however, that math classes won't be improved by implementing too much technology into the classroom. The best use of technology in math is communication, which happens mainly outside of the classroom. The truth though, is that this is all just my opinion and yours may be completely different. I'm always open to new ideas and suggestions.


  1. I definitely agree with your oppinion here. It would be easier to put more technology into some classroom settings where others it might not be as appropriate.

  2. Im with you when it comes to the elimination of paper. As a future English, i definitely dont wanna see the dissapearance of books :/ Kindles are nice bt theres still something about the paper copy...

  3. I agree, although I am early childhood and the math is fairly simple, I still could not find a lesson I felt comfortable using technology to teach. Lessons in math seem to be more effectively taught without a computer. So I suppose the question is what is a universal and effective way to incorporate technology in teaching math.
